Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Demands of Ministry

Luke 5:15, But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

The report that immediately precedes this verse is of Jesus cleansing a leper.  Although He "charged him to tell no one" (vs. 14) word spread about Him and great crowds gathered.  

Before I came to America's Keswick almost 10 years ago, I was very involved in ministry in our local church teaching Bible study, working in the nursery, counseling, small group, and Sunday school.  We also sought various opportunities to expose our neighbors to the gospel through babysitting, ice cream socials and conversations at the bus stop.  Ministry (vocational or non-vocational) can be exciting, stressful, demanding, tiring, and a blessing.  It is energizing and draining at the same time.  

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you ARE in ministry.  Wherever God has placed you, therein is your ministry.  Are you a full-time stay-at-home mom, a full or part-time employee, self-employed, retired, widowed, engaged, a new believer or a veteran believer?  In your circle of influence you have ministry.  It may be to a husband and children, or neighbor, or co-worker or client or a brother or sister in Christ. Daily, God gives us opportunities to express the gospel in word and/or action.  

More than any of us, Jesus knows the demands of ministry.  Wherever He went He tended to draw crowds. 

I think the word in our verse that draws my attention is "but."  "... great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. BUT he would withdraw to desolate places and pray."1 It would be easy to think that when ministry is demanding we must re-double our efforts to get the job done, but instead of re-doubling His efforts Jesus actually withdrew.  He didn't withdraw to isolate or to mumble and complain. throwing His hands up in desperation and quitting (as I think some of us are prone to do). No, rather He withdrew to connect with His Father through prayer.    

How connected are you to the Father in prayer regarding the ministry opportunities He is providing in your circle of influence?  When the demands of ministry become overwhelming do you put it in overdrive or do you drive over to a quiet place and pray?  


1 Caps for emphasis

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