Friday, April 10, 2009

God's Side

Is God on our side or are we on HIS side? This question first gripped my thinking in the midst of a conversation with a deeply hurting friend. Questions, doubts and confusing thoughts were swimming in her head as she openly and honestly shared her heart.

A baby lay dying and, as is always the case when we are confronted with the sometimes brutal reality of sickness and disease, we question and wonder, "What is God thinking?" "Why isn't He hearing us?" "Why isn't He on our side and doing as we are begging Him to do?" 

When the pain is at its worst and we fear our hearts will surely break we honestly wonder, "Where are you God?" "Don't you hear me calling?" "I need you now to do this thing, to take the pain away, to make the baby better, to make sense of this."

Dear precious ones, God is always, always for us....even when His ways, His words, His answers, His seeming silence make absolutely no sense to us.

As Christians, believers, followers of Christ we all have stuff we believe about God; words we comfort ourselves with in hard times and expectations we have of God based on our understanding and interpretation of His Word. In addition, we have all the sermons, teachings, seminars, conferences, workshops, opinions of others which have helped to shape our thinking of who God is and, whether we like it or admit it, some of it, maybe lots of it, is simply wrong.

God Is. 

God Is. 

God is Self-Sustaining, All Powerful, everywhere present all the time and He does not need me to agree with Him, nor does He need me or you to like Him. He is God! He will do what He will. He will allow what He will and none of it will change Him or the fact that He loves us and He is always up to what is best for us.

My question is will the "stuff" -- tragedies, deaths, losses, etc. -- change you? Will you be for God or against Him? Will you be on His side whether or not you get what you want?

When He asks us to believe, to trust, to obey, will we do so even when our hearts feel torn asunder? 

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Job 13:15a

Even if He takes what you love and hold most dear...your spouse, your child or children, will you still love Him, trust Him and keep hoping? Will you still be on His side?  Selah


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