Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Romans 12:9-11 gives us some commands for everyday Christian living......practical commands, yet sometimes these commands are difficult to apply and follow. It takes an act of our WILL and most of all dying to ourselves in obedience to what we know is His
will and not ours.

Verse 9, tells us "don't love superficially, (be genuine, be honest) vs.10 "to be devoted to one another" ( don't desire to always be in first place......practice playing second fiddle) verse 11 tells us "don't lag behind in diligence" (don't burn out, don't quit in hard times).

Whether it be house work, our career, our ministry or our volunteer service we encounter opportunities to put these verses to practice.

The enemy (Satan) will subtly tempt you to engage in situations that will cause you to sin in not being obedient to these commands. I trust that today you may cry out to the Lord for His help in dying to self and getting victory.

B. Shoppy

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