Thursday, July 03, 2008

Thoughts From My Bike

Thoughts from My Bike

The weather is cooperating and I need to get back to exercising! Gas prices and my desire to get in exercise time have motivated me to ride my bike to work. Let me share some of the things I have pondered on my rides to work.

1. It is better to keep my eyes a few feet in front of me then to stare at the upcoming hill. Looking at the hill only builds anticipation of what is to come and may cause me not to see the very thing that could cause a fall.Are you fretting over the future and what may be coming rather then seeing what God has for you today? Are you refusing to see what is right in front of you? Will your next choice, your next move, cause you to stumble?

2. When I go uphill I find myself saying something like "I can make it" or "I'm almost there." I tend to concentrate much more going up hill; I check what gear I am in to get up that hill with "ease"and I notice that I use many more muscles when going uphill. Are you learning to stretch your spiritual muscles? Can you hear the Lord right beside you telling you that you will make it? Do you need to adjust the gear you are moving in either to slow down or get going?

3. When I go downhill I coast and enjoy the breeze. But when I need to start pedaling again I find I am usually in the wrong gear and my legs can't keep up with the pedals and they briefly lose control. Are you coasting in your walk with Him? Are you in step with Jesus or are things spinning out of control?

4. I watch for landmarks. Often, I check where I am and try to gauge how far I have to go. My usual markers are Route 530, the JCPL site, Robert Miller Airpark, the Getty station, Pine Ridge, Congasia Road and then, finally, I reach Shamrock Gardens. Then I know I am almost there! Are you watching for Jesus? Do you look for Him as you go about your day? Do you anticipate the day we can say "I made it home!"?

Kathy Withers is on staff full-time at the Keswick Book and Gift Shop. She is married to her husband, Dave and has two adult children. Kathy is active in her local church. Her passion is the Word of God and encouraging women to dig deeper into the truths of the Bible.

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