Tuesday, July 06, 2010

God Speaks

Here at KESWICK, our slogan is that we are a place where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives. That is a great slogan, but we often get tripped up on the question... but how does God speak? Let's briefly look at 5 different ways from scripture.

1. Through His Word - this is probably His favorite way to talk to us. It is God's love letter to us. The Bible is God's venue for communicating with us what is right, not right, how to get right and how to stay right. Timothy 3:16-17 gives 4 different purposes for scripture in our lives - it is profitable for: doctrine, reproof, correction and for instruction in righteousness. Are you reading His Word? Is His Word hid in your heart?

2. Through Others - God has put godly teachers and preachers here so that we can hear the Word of God. Romans 10:17 says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Listen to people who can and will tell us more about God. Are you going to Church? Are you in Bible Studies with others? Do you have plans to spend a week at Keswick learning from great teachers?

3. Through Prayer - We get to know others through our conversations. God wants us to get to know Him by being in conversation with Him. Are you talking to Him? The psalms of David are a glimpse of David's conversations with God: Open, honest and powerful. We know that Christ spent time in conversation with His Father; He then taught us how to talk to the Father in Matt. 6: 9-13. Are you sharing your heart with Him? Are you also letting Him talk to you by being quiet?

4. Through Godly Counsel - Solomon wrote Proverbs to give godly counsel. We would be wise to read it and make personal application. Solomon reminds us time and again that we are to seek counsel in our plans and ways (Pr. 15:22, 20:5, 18; 24:6; 27:9). Other people use their lives, experiences and knowledge to help us to get to know God better. Are you looking to others? Or are you sharing what God has taught you with others?

5. Through the Holy Spirit - in the book of John chapter 16 we are told of the works of the Holy Spirit. John 16:14-15 says "He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you." The Holy Spirit will come to make Christ look good in us so that we can live holy and righteous lives. Having the Holy Spirit in us is far better than having Christ with us. Can you believe that? When you have the Holy Spirit in you than you have Christ in you! This is God's personal working in you to guide, convict and move you towards good works which give God the glory. Are you listening to that inner voice? Has God put a desire in your heart?

Yes, I know that God also speaks through creation, events, and struggles. Those really happen around us without us having to put in a whole lot of effort. And I do admit that when they do happen we need to stop and listen to what God is trying to tell you. For today, though, my question to you is: are you putting in the effort by allowing God to speak to you through the above 5 ways mentioned? I know I sometimes get hung up on just one or two ways of trying to listen to God... maybe it's time you allowed God to speak to you through a new avenue. I would encourage you to add these 5 ways to your daily walk with the Lord... I know that He will teach you many things and you WILL GROW in your relationship with Him.

Lynne Jahns

Christian Counselor, Director, KESWICK Institute of Biblical Studies

1 I will sing of steadfast love and justice;
to you, O LORD, I will make music.
2 I will ponder the way that is blameless.
Oh when will you come to me?
I will walk with integrity of heart
within my house;
Have you made your summer reservations? PLEASE pick up the phone and call today. 732-350-1187 or 1-800-453-7942.

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